Embroidery Workshop
Our Embroidery Workshop took place in QZM in November 2022. We had a nice, fun and comfy time, being creative with needle and thread. Thanks to QZM as a great cooperation partner and location, with co…
Queer Game Night 2022
As well as last year we organized a queer game night this autumn in October. German and English speaking people were welcome in Wizard’s Well, a game store in Mannheim. The evening was hosted by San, …
GAYme Nights HWS 2021
As well as last year we organized two GAYme Nights this autumn in November. We offered a German and an English evening and both took place with the help of Wizard’s Well, which is a game store i…
Workshop “Narrative lesbischer Liebe”
Beim Online-Workshop „Narrative lesbischer Liebe“ hat Mitglied Jule vom QuiS sich mit dem Thema der Narration von wlw (woman love woman) befasst und mit den Teilnehmer:innen über gefestigte Motiven in…
Ga(y)me Nights HWS 2020
Immer wieder veranstalten wir die Ga(y)me Nights, um gemeinsam Spiele zu spielen, entspannt zu quatschen und einfach Spaß zu haben. Bis jetzt sind die All-time Favoriten Secret Hitler, Among Us und Ca…